Working in silos. (Overused phrase Number 2)

This is used as a criticism of how we work and we are urged to stop this. ‘We need to stop working in silos!’ 

But wait…this isn’t new.

Working in silos has been levelled as a criticism for decades.

So why haven’t we stopped it?

It is probably because it is a basic human instinct to live, work, and spend time with people like ourselves, who we understand, share experiences with and are safe with.

It is part of our evolution as a species that we needed to be close to our family and village and anyone outside that was a potential threat. Who do we belong to? So we protect our own silo of people.

I suggest we stop trying to argue against silo working. It is comfortable, we can relax and safely look to the outside rather than always feeling threatened by being an ‘outsider’.

It is better to recognise that our silo is where we do our best work.

We can build windows and bridges to other silos so that we look outwards not inwards, accepting the views, presence and value of people in other silos. 

It is easier to do that from our own safe space.

Here's a thought: A silo full of mixed grain is no good to any farmer?

What do you think? Get in touch here.


Safe space. (Overused phrase Number 3.


Lived experience.