Supporting autistic people to reach their potential is the most important job in the world.


Temple Grandin says “What would happen if the autism gene was eliminated from the gene pool?  You would have a bunch of people standing around in a cave, chatting and socialising and not getting anything done”.

Autism is a natural variance of the human condition and we need all autistic people to be successfully integrated as successful achieving citizens.

Whilst not every autistic person is going to change the world, it is our duty where an autistic person needs our support and understanding, to provide it.


‘I need help to understand my employee’.

‘If only we could get past this behaviour’.

‘We need someone to really listen to us’.

‘Help me make sense of it all’.

‘The staff team are struggling and need help’.

‘I can’t find the right training solution’.

‘We just need something different’.

‘I need help to get others to understand me’.


Does any of this sound familiar? Thought so.

This is where working with ask richard can help you find a solution that works.



Richard works with organisations of any size to develop bespoke solutions.

  • Development of training courses in autism with a focus on making change and successful outcomes

  • Delivery of autism training, team workshops, guided problem solving

  • Assessments for individuals to help identify needs, ambitions and successful strategies

  • Develop staff confidence in their ability to provide successful support

  • Mentor individual managers to develop successful support to autistic people

  • Add a different perspective on traditional autism learning

Costs for ask richard’s input is an investment and will save time, resources and effort.

ask richard has a substantial background in the practicalities of freeing up staff and the challenges of coordinating training or teamwork.

Richard will work around your restrictions and provide what you need, when you want it and at a pace that works for you.



ask richard works in partnership with any professional on projects that benefit autistic people and their families. 

Partnerships can be developed on a short or longer term basis.

Richard shares his experience, knowledge, skills and contacts and will develop a proposal for working with you to meet your specific needs.

ask richard will always go the extra mile to ensure any partnership working is successful. Partnership working is a principle that underpins the work we do.

Richard’s years of experience can add his reputation for success, flexibility and creativity to any partnership project, working efficiently with focus where time and deadlines are a challenge.



Richard works with employers and employees to help everyone to achieve a successful working environment.

For employers, ask richard can undertake:

  • workplace reviews to identify what can change to be more autism friendly

  • workplace reviews specific to an individual’s needs and identify what can help

  • general advice and support to HR personnel - recruitment, support, management processes

For employees, ask richard can undertake:

  • 1:1 advice for getting and keeping a job

  • SPARK - Occupational skills assessment - are you ready for work?

  • Support in identifying reasonable adjustments that would help

  • Support in dealing with formal processes 

The investment in getting the best outcome for the employer and the employee makes business sense. A happy employee is more productive and a great ambassador for the company.

Knowing how best to use your skills and talents in a work setting might require creative solutions and ask richard can help to identify these.

Richard supports employers and employees remotely and on-site, working with you to develop creative solutions.



Essential to successfully working with anyone is the ability to listen.

Sounds obvious but helping an autistic person or family requires listening with understanding. Going beneath what is said, checking on assumptions and testing understanding.

ask richard listens with understanding, listens with compassion and listens with reflection.

From this active listening Richard can:

  • Provide assessments and guidance to understand the individual’s motivations, expectations and ambitions

  • Support families to explore what to do next e.g. at times of transition

  • Support individuals or families to develop plans to achieve the best outcomes and lifestyles - negotiating with organisations and systems

Richard starts working with you, with no preconceived ideas, will listen and agree with you what your priorities are and how you will get there together.

Change can be steady and sometimes slow and Richard can work with you over a long timescale if needed.

ask richard is independent of any organisation, system or pressure group and will always work with honesty and an open mind.

Richard will use his experience of systems and the politics of working with statutory agencies and the voluntary sector.


the public

ask richard can provide easy to understand information about autism for any individual or group. 

This are based on ‘What I need to know’ which is a training programme of understanding autism based on your specific circumstances and what you need. It cuts out all uneccessary detail and is focused and adapted to any setting. 

That could be for your workplace, social group, club, family group…ask richard can adapt to any need.

It is jargon free, positive and easy to understand. 

It will make a difference and can be delivered in a way that works best for you - remotely, individually, small groups, and in small bite-sized pieces.

If there is anything you need help with – just ask.

Our input is based on expecting success. After our initial discussion, if Richard doesn’t think he can help you with your challenge, he’ll let you know.

There is always an answer to every challenge and this is in understanding the person and their autism. If we cant find the answer we need to try again, try harder.

ask richard does not give up on people and their future.


Read about how we’ve worked with people to create positive long lasting results.


Let’s work together and make a difference. If you’re facing a challenge let’s tackle it together.