Safe space. (Overused phrase Number 3.

Safe space: ‘intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations’, (Wikipedia).

Before you declare ‘This is a safe space…can say what you want…we will all respect each other’ …ask these questions:

  • If you don’t agree with me, am I still welcome?

  • If I leave this ‘safe space’ how will you react?

  • Am I your equal in this space?

  • What are your biases against me? 

Why does this phrase worry me?  

We don’t always have a shared understanding what this phrase means.

It’s dangerous to assume we all interpret it in the same way. 

What is the unwritten contract we have in this shared space? 

How does it impact on respect, trust and confidentiality beyond this space? 

Lots of questions arising from a simple phrase that doesn’t really mean anything.

If you are in control of this safe space, it’s only safe to others while you want it to be.

‘Come in said Grandma,  there’s no wolf here…’ 

What’s your opinion on the phrase ‘safe space’? Let me know here.


Working in silos. (Overused phrase Number 2)