Election time

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We are about to head into an election (it’s been a while since the last so you can’t say ‘Not another one’).  So what would the best outcome be for autistic people and their families?

Does it matter who gets elected?

It should matter: the unmet needs, the wasted talents, the daily struggles families face, the anxiety autistic people live with every day. Solve these issues and Scotland would be truly remarkable, successful and prosperous.

So Autism should be at the top of every politicians agenda.

But it won’t be. If it appears in any prospective MSP’s manifesto, it will be no different to any other woolly political promise. That’s because there isn’t the depth of understanding of the positive difference that successful autistic people can make on Scotland’s health, science, finances, industry and culture. Or the understanding of the daily challenges autistic families face.

But let’s be optimistic since we can imagine real change. At the time of massive society upheaval, there is an opportunity.  It’s an opportunity to raise the autism profile and change the thinking from autism being a problem to autism being the solution.

So here is the plan:

I am going to write to all the candidates in my constituency (and have a copy to hand in case I get doorstepped) asking:

Dear Candidate,

  • Do you know that with the right help and understanding, autistic families don’t have to be exhausted, isolated and desperate

  • Do you know that every autistic person has a talent that Scotland needs

  • Do you know that many autistic people need support tailored to their unique needs to unlock that talent

  • Do you know that Scotland needs autistic people and their different minds more than ever

  • Do you know that this is totally possible to achieve – it just requires listening; Listening with understanding, knowledge and humility.

I hope when you win you will remember this and that you can help revolutionise Scotland for the good.

(or words to that effect!)

What do you think? Send me a message and let me know.

email ask richard


What is independence?


Autism and the pandemic